Pierre Favre
Solo (2008)
item number CR364
CD Edition (SOLD OUT!)
only Files are avialable
released October 31, 2008
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In Pierre Favre’s narratives, language proves inadequate: his music combines lyricism, epic poetry and drama in a dazzling medley of images. No nuance is so subtle that he is unable to tease it from his extensive range of percussion instruments. Here the «poet of percussion» presents a half-hour solo concert in six scenes, recorded in October 2007 as part of the zoom in festival at Bern’s Münster Cathedral.
Poursuite dans la fôret
Monsoon Rains
Madhav's Dance
Pierre Favre was born in Le Locle, Switzerland. He started playing drums as an autodidact at the age of fifteen and turned professional two years later. He played swing music for many years in the big bands. He played Dixieland, swing and be-bop before he discovered the new jazz. Out of this background he developed into a musician of the highest sensitivity and diversification, a master of empty spaces and pauses. Seldom has anyone in jazz played drums so quietly. Favre is a poet of the drums.
As a solo percussionist, he toured all round the world. He has worked with African, Indian, Brazilian, Chinese and Korean percussionists. Still Favre feels very much related the European music tradition.