Joke Lanz
Münster Bern (2011)
item number CR368
CD Edition
released January 20, 2012
buy it on bandcamp

When not tearing up stages across Europe with Dadaistic noise performances under the moniker of Sudden Infant, his alter ego, Joke Lanz becomes an exponent of turntablism in its purest form.
Cubus Records captured this special concert on 22 October 2010.
The recording has given rise to 30 exciting minutes of rarely heard sounds - collages of noises, isolated words, beat fragments and instrumental forays – all mixed, distorted and looped. Exuding childlike elation and playfulness, Lanz has, in combination with the acoustics of the Berne Minster, managed to span a musical divide in a way that has shown itself to be unique.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Born 1965 in Basel, Switzerland. Currently based in Berlin.
Joke Lanz is one of the most prolific and profound artists working in the border zones where performance and body art meet Improvisation and Noise.
In his Sudden Infant guise, Lanz creates a unique blend of physical sound poetry and epileptic noise bursts, using contact microphones, loops, tapes etc.
The result is an extreme form of musique concrète that juxtaposes spasmodic gibbering with a battery of disorienting electronics.
Has worked as garbageman, cleaner, caregiver, night watchman, farmer, record dealer, administrative assistant, bike messenger, chocolate manufacturer, technician, housekeeper, and more.
Free studies in Performance Art, Noise music, Turntablism.
Since 1985 involved with a broad variety of musical projects, such as: Jaywalker, Sudden Infant, Schimpfluch-Gruppe, Psychic Rally, Vehikel & Gefäss, Catholic Boys in Heavy Leather, WAL, and Tell.
Composed music for contemporary dance, theatre, films, radio plays, and installations.
Collaborations and live shows with: Peter Kowald, Christian Marclay, Z’EV, Shelley Hirsch, Rudolf Eb.er, G.X. Jupitter-Larsen, Daniel Menche, Lasse Marhaug,
Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Astro, Voice Crack, Carlos Giffoni, MSBR, C.C.C.C., Con-Dom, The New Blockaders, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSO Wien),
Sixes, DJ Olive, Hans Koch, Ignaz Schick, eRikm, Strotter Inst., Christian Weber, Bill Kouligas, Roger Rotor, Small Cruel Party, Dieb13, Due Process, Christian Wolfarth,
Martin Baumgartner, Evil Moisture, Charlotte Hug, Martin Tétreault, Brigitte Wilfing, Ute Waldhausen, Julian Sartorius, Mike Majkowski and many others.
Artist residencies in Berlin, London, Vienna and Cairo.
Composition Assignment by Arts Council of Switzerland.
Workshops and lectures at Music Academy Lucerne, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of Stellenbosch.
Innumerable releases on international labels, including Schimpfluch, Tochnit Aleph, Blossoming Noise, RRR, Entr’acte, Artware, Klanggalerie, PAN, SSSM,
iDEAL Recordings, Harbinger Sound, and Nihilist Records.
Festival performances and tours in: USA, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Africa, Israel and all over Europe.
Ignaz Schick, Berlin:
«Seit 2009 hatte ich immer wieder das Vergnügen mit Joke Lanz sowohl in kleinen Besetzungen wie im Duo oder mit dem Turntablequartett BETT4 aber auch in Rahmen von The International Turntable Orchestra (T.I.T.O.) zusammen zu arbeiten. Ich schätze vor allem seinen sehr physischen aber gleichzeitig feinfühligen Umgang mit dem Plattenspieler und diversen vorgefundenen und speziell ausgewählten Materialien. Sein Spezialgebiet ist die Collage: er rekombiniert die unterschiedlichsten und manchmal auch abstrusesten Klänge verschiedener Herkunft und Stilistik zu sehr eigenwilligen neuen Werken - zeitgenössische und abstrahierte Plunderphonics ohne offensichtlichen Zitateoverkill»